Saturday, February 22, 2020

Expressions of Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Expressions of Feminism - Essay Example The ideological roots of feminist movement are found in France since it was a French noble woman who in 1610 made the earliest attempt of engaging females in conversation with men and voice their thoughts. Initial feminist thought was framed as â€Å"querelle des femmes- question of women† and education, social mobility and marriage remained key issues. (LeGates, 2012) Social progress for feminists intensified in 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. Improvement in intellectual current encouraged the realisation that all social and cultural institutions are a product of human efforts not divine and thus, asking for changes would not affront God. Concept of women’s freedom advanced after the 1774 Revolutionary War and 1789 French Revolution. Although these were male-focused but mobilized females too and laid the groundwork for feminist struggle. (LeGates, 2012) Modern feminism seminal â€Å"Vindication of the Rights of Women† by Mary Wollstonecraft formally started the struggle for female rights in 1792. Education and freedom were key areas of concern during this time. Gradually, feminism movement spread to Asia as well generating diverse expressions of feminism. (LeGates, 2012) For western feminists’ the regressive practices of patriarchal society and subjugation of females at all forums were issues of great concern. Feminist perspectives and demands shifted according to circumstances and are labelled as feminism’s first, second and third waves. Literature, movements and propaganda remained common forms of expressing discontent throughout the three waves. First wave was raised in late 19thcentury;gaining independence from domesticity cult and obtaining legal/political rights dominated this era because women had little independence in aspects like marriage, education, property, childbirth and work. Suffrage Movement

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Vision Statement Comparison Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vision Statement Comparison - Assignment Example A vision statement goes hand in hand with the mission statement and the values that a given company seeks to entrench and move forward. The Vision statement outlines what goals the company seeks to achieve whereas the mission statement says clearly, what pathways to follow to achieve the goals. The values stand for the principles that the organization seeks to impart and entrench in its workers. The Ford Corporation is the largest carmaker in the USA for many centuries. Its mission statement is â€Å"To become the worlds leading consumer company for automotive products and services†. The statement is to the point and has the main objective and goal that Ford seeks to achieve. By reading the statement, one can truly tell what it is that the Ford Corporation has entrenched in its mission as well as daily activities, which is to become the company of choice in the automotive industry. The Starbucks Coffee House is one of the leading coffee companies in the world with branches worldwide. Its Vision statement states that â€Å"Share great coffee with our friends and help make the world a little better†.   In the statement, we can learn that the focus for the company is to use its product offering that is coffee to see to it that the world becomes better by taking and using their product. In addition, the Vision statement can be interpreted to depict that their product is a good way to unwind as well as foster relations with others. Harvard University is one of the world’s best universities churning out professionals and leaders at a high rate. The Vision statement for Harvard University is that â€Å"Harvard strives to create knowledge, to open the minds of students to that knowledge, and to enable students to take best advantage of their educational opportunities† The Stanford University vision has overtime changed. Initially the Vision statement was â€Å"Become the Harvard of the West† which later evolved overtime to read â€Å"provide quality services